It has been nearly 16 years since I lost my mother.  But Deborah Boggs Mock wasn't just my mother.  She was a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend, and probably most importantly and most often forgotten: she was a woman. A woman with her own thoughts, her own opinions, her own hopes and dreams and goals.  This memorial website is my attempt to honor my mother for all that she was, and I know that I cannot do that on my own because I was only privy to a small part of who she was.  I hope that this website is a place where we can all come together to share our memories and remember Debi for who she was: mother, wife, daughter, sister, friend, woman.

    Debi's daughter, Lauren

    I created this memorial website to learn more about my mother.  Because she died when I was 12, I know her only as a mother and very little about her as a woman. It is my hope that this website provides an outlet for all those who knew her to reminisce and share and learn about a wonderful woman who died too young.


    September 2011
    August 2011

